What Is Genetic Testing?
Genetic testing and diagnosis can benefit all couples who are considering starting a family. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that information about carrier screening should be provided to every pregnant woman. Carrier screening and counseling ideally should be performed before pregnancy because this enables couples to learn about their reproductive risk and consider the most complete range of reproductive options. Women who have experienced recurrent pregnancy loss, who have experienced more than one failed fertility treatment or who are 35 and over are also candidates for Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT).
What are the benefits?
PGT can reduce the chance of miscarriage due to an abnormal chromosomal arrangement. It also aids in reducing the number of embryos a couple chooses to replace. National guidelines established by the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technologies recommends that a single embryo with normal chromosomes should be replaced after PGT. PGT tests for hundreds of different inherited disorders and is performed before implantation. This gives the couple time to choose an unaffected embryo for transfer into the uterus. PGT enables at risk couples to pursue biological children who might not have done so otherwise.
What are the concerns?
While PGT can help reduce the risk of passing on a genetic disorder, it cannot completely guarantee the result. Sometimes further testing may be necessary. And regular screening for chromosomes as is done in non-tested pregnancies is still recommended. If you are interested in learning more about genetic testing, talk with us today about your options.