Infertility is one of the most challenging problems a couple may face in their relationship. It can be very frustrating for couples who have attempted everything within their power, but with no results. At Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawai’i, we help couples achieve the dream of parenthood. If you are struggling with a challenge related to infertility, you are not alone. We can help.
If you are struggling with a challenge related to infertility, you are not alone. We can help.
Dr. Christopher Huang has been providing IVF services longer than any other Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility Specialist in Hawai’i. Dr. Huang, Dr. Christina Arnett, and the ARCH team have over twenty years of infertility experience and are dedicated to pursuing the latest techniques in assisted reproductive technologies.
Our pregnancy rates reflect the wide variety of patients who visit ARCH, many of whom have poor ovarian reserve, compromised ovarian and uterine function, or poor sperm or egg quality. The majority of our patients become pregnant using conventional fertility treatments such as ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination. Usually those who move on to ART have exhausted these more conventional treatments. We have seen babies born from patients cancelled at other programs where care is based on statistics or patient potential. We feel strongly that patients need a chance regardless of impact on our success rates.
I understand that starting a family is a major undertaking. By the time you walk through our doors, you have been challenged with many of the difficulties of becoming parents.
– Christopher Huang, MD
Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawai’i is designed to personally guide each patient’s treatment from the initial visit through conception. We treat you like part of our family, embarking on your fertility journey together and creating a customized treatment program that fits your needs and works with your financial situation.
Starting a family is a major undertaking. By the time you walk through our doors, you have been challenged with many of the difficulties of becoming parents. ARCH’s goal is to exhaust all avenues of your fertility treatment and help you achieve your dream of parenthood. We hope you will trust us to walk with you in partnership through the challenging and exciting process of fertility.
The Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawaii’s Embryology team is one of the few teams in the USA to utilize the EmbryoScope. The EmbryoScope takes high-resolution pictures of the embryos throughout their development. This cutting-edge technology allows our Embryologists to monitor the developing embryos without removing them from the incubators. This allows the Embryologist to select the healthiest embryo to transfer into the patient, while keeping the embryos in a closed and stable incubation environment. Cutting edge research on blastocyst development using the EmbryoScope may help select higher quality embryos for transfer, decreasing the time it takes to pregnancy and delivery.
The Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawaii incubates all embryos within the EmbryoScope, whether they are fresh or frozen eggs, which gives our patients the best chance of a healthy pregnancy.
Schedule Your Fertility Consultation
Take the next important step to realizing your family dreams. Contact our Honolulu, Hawaii offices today to make an appointment to talk with us.
Our Infertility Treatment Specialization
Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawaii specializes in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Blastocyst transfer, Egg Donation, Surrogacy, advanced ovulation induction, non-surgical treatment of vasectomy and tubal ligation, assisted embryo hatching, embryo cryopreservation for future pregnancy, testicular aspiration and biopsy, sperm washing and intrauterine insemination (IUI), laparoscopic and microsurgical repair of tubal and uterine disease and malformation, and emotional advocacy through our patient support program.
We are able to offer the latest in reproductive technological advances. Our center was the first one to perform PGD in Hawaii, and Dr. Huang is the first physician to provide infertility services via “Telemedicine” to the neighbor Isles of Hawaii.
Meet Our Team
Your Initial Fertility Consultation
Patient Success Stories
Additional Resources
Medication Instructions
Injection Training Videos
Educational Resources
Call (808) 949-6611 to Schedule Your Fertility Consultation or