Infertility Treatments: Advanced
The Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawaii’s Embryology team is one of the few teams in the USA to utilize the EmbryoScope. The EmbryoScope takes high-resolution pictures of the embryos throughout their development. This cutting-edge technology allows our Embryologists to monitor the developing embryos without removing them from the incubators. This allows the Embryologist to select the healthiest embryo to transfer into the patient, while keeping the embryos in a closed and stable incubation environment. Our cutting edge research on blastocyst development using the EmbryoScope may help select higher quality embryos for transfer, decreasing the time it takes to pregnancy and delivery.
The Advanced Reproductive Center of Hawaii incubates all embryos within the time-lapsed photography of EmbryoScope, whether they are fresh or frozen eggs. It allows us to use objective, not subjective, criteria to rank order which embryo to replace first. *
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